

  • 钓箱三件套的正确安装用英语怎么说
  • 钓箱三件套的正确安装The correct installation of the three piece of the发础篡飞诂读磋嫂单讥 fishing box钓箱三件套的正确安装The correct installation of the three piece of the fishing box


  • 只因为他病了今天没有来上学用英语强调句怎么说
  • i often reading ======wrong sentence structure, I often read. 我经常读书.i often do reading====correct sentence structure. 我经常读书i do often reading====wrong s单单厕竿丿放搽虱敞僵entence structure, I do often read. 我确实经常读书


  • 点击申请恢复就是这些英文请问怎么办
  • ERROR 错误 The requested URL could not be retrieved 您所请求的网址(URL)无法获取 While trying to retrieve the URL: 当你尝试读取以下网址(URL)时 following error was encountered: 发生了下列的错误: Access Denied. 拒绝访问 Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel this is incorrect. 当前的存取控制设定禁止您的请求被接受,如果您觉得这是错误的,请与您网路服务的提供者联系。 Your cache administrator is webmaster. 本缓存服务器管理员 后面的不重要了:)~以下是解决的一些方法:)~ 如果您的浏览器设置了代理服务器或使用自动配置脚本,可能会出现这种情况。下面以IE为例,说明如何解决此问题: 1)打开IE浏览器,依次选择“工具”→“Internet选项”→“连接”→“局域网(LAN)设置”,打开“局域网(LAN)设置”窗口; 2)如果您使用了自动配置脚本,请取消使用此脚本;如果您使用了代理服务器,请选中“对于本地地址不使用代理服务器”的复选框。


  • 下面是应该输出的样子,是一个问答软件,具体就是有50个问题要问,一共三条命,答错扣一条命,要问是否继续,生命扣完就结束,这是我的第一个作业但是我真的毫无头绪。我想请教一下怎么储存这50个问题再一个个显示出来,还是说要自己一个个打上去呢?每道题目判断答对答错的判断应该用什么方法呢?Welcome to Quiz Master!See if you can survive all the questions without losing all your lives!———————————————————————There are 50 in this question set.1. In which town do the Simpsons reside?a.Springfieldb.Shelbyvillec.SeinfeldWhat do you think is the right answer? aCorrect! Well done!Your current score is 1 and you have 3 lives left.Did you want to try another question? Enter y or n: y2. What is the name of the Simpsons next door neighbor?a.Barney Gumbleb.Ned Flandersc.Principal SkinnerWhat do you think is the right answer? aBad luck. The correct answer is option bYour current score is 1 and you have 2 lives left.Did you want to try another question? Enter y or n: nYou have ended the game with 1 points and 2 lives left.Press any key to continue . . .
  • 你可以使用fscanf从文本里面读取!


  • 申请优秀团员,第一个学期考试分数只有69.5,我改成了70,这样学校会查到吗?怎么处理?谢谢各位了
  • 是总分的平均分进行四舍五入.比如说雅思成绩四项分数分别是 6 6 5.5 5.5,那么这些数据的平均数是5.75j直接变成6.也就是说,小数点后面是0.25或者0.75就四舍五入.单科成绩是按照答对题目的数量来算分的.最新的评分标准给你看看听力  Number of correct Listening answers IELTS band score 39-40 9.0 37-38 8.5 35-36 8.0 33-34 7.5 30-32 7.0 27-29 6.5 23-26 6.0 20-22 5.5 16-19 5.0 13-15 4.5 10-12 4.0 6-9 3.5 4-5 3.0 3 2.5 2 2.0 1 1.0 absent 0.0 IELTS阅读评分标准(A类)Number of correct Reading answers IELTS band score 39-40 9.0 37-38 8.5 35-36 8.0 33-34 7.5 30-32 7.0 27-29 6.5 23-26 6.0 20-22 5.5 16-19 5.0 13-15 4.5 10-12 4.0 6-9 3.5 4-5 3.0 3 2.5 2 2.0 1 1.0 absent 0.0 IELTS阅读评分标准(G类)Number of correct Reading answers IELTS band score 40 9.0 39 8.5 38 8.0 36-37 7.5 34-35 7.0 32-33 6.5 30-31 6.0 26-29 5.5 23-25 5.0 19-22 4.5 15-18 4.0 12-14 3.5 8-11 3.0 5-7 2.5 2-4 2.0 1 1.0 absent 0.0


